Psalme II.
1. Why fumeth in fight : the Gentils ſpite,in fury raging ſtout?
Why taketh in hond : the people fond,
Uayne thinges to bring about?
2. The kinges ariſe : the lordes deuiſe,
in counſayles mett thereto :
Agaynſt the Lord : with falſe accord,
againſt his Chriſt they go.
3. Let vs they ſay : breake downe their ray,
of all their bondes and cordes :
We will renounce : that they pronounce,
their loores as ſtately lordes.
4. But God of might : in heauen ſo bright,
Shall laugh them all to ſcorne :
The Lord on hie : ſhall them defie,
they ſhall be once forlorne.
5. Then ſhall his ire : ſpeake all in fire,
to them agayne therefore :
He ſhall with threate : their malice beate,
in his diſpleaſure ſore.
6. Yet am I ſet : a king ſo great,
on Sion hill full faſt :
Though me they kill : yet will that hill,
my lawe and worde outcaſt.
7. Gods wordes decréed : I (Chriſt) wil ſprede
for God thus ſayd to mée :
My ſonne I ſay : thou art, this day,
I haue begotten thée.
8. Aſke thou of mée : I will geue thée,
to rule all Gentils londes :
Thou ſhalt poſſeſſe: in ſuerneſſe,
the world how wide it ſtondes.
9. With iron rod : as mighty God,
all rebels ſhall thou bruſe :
And breake them all : in pieces ſmall,
as ſherdes the potters vſe.
10. Be wiſe therfore : ye kinges the more,
Receyue ye wiſdomes lore :
Ye iudges ſtrong : ofright and wrong,
aduiſe you now before.
11. The Lorde in feare : your ſeruice beare,
with dread to him reioyce :
Let rages be : reſiſt not ye,
him ſerue with ioyfull voyce.
12. The ſonne kiſſe ye : lest wroth he be,
lose not the way of reſt :
For when his ire : is ſet on fire,
who truſt in hym be bleſt.
¶ The
Breake a ſonder O Lorde the bondes of our ſinnes that
we may bee faithfully yoked to the preceptes of thy law, ſerue thee in feare
and reuerence, to the laude of thy holy name. Through Chriſt,&c.
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