On our Saviour's Passion
[The earth trembled] (1688)
The earth did tremble; and heav'n's closed eye
Was loth to see the Lord of Glory dye:
The Skyes were clad in mourning, and the Spheares
Forgat their harmony; the Clouds dropt teares:
Th'ambitious Dead arose to give him roome;
And ev'ry Grave did gape to be his Tombe:
Th'affrighted heavn's sent down elegious Thunder;
Th'affrighted heavn's sent down elegious Thunder;
The World's Foundation loos'd, to lose their Founder;
Th'impatient Temple rent her Vaile in two,
To teach our hearts what our sad hearts should do:
Shall senselesse things doe this, and shall not I
Melt one poore drop to see my Saviour dye?
Drill forth my Teares, and trickle one by one,
Drill forth my Teares, and trickle one by one,
TIll you have pierc'd this heart of mine, this Stone.